Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Agriculture Marketing and Farmers’ Problems in India: Perspectives on Reforms and Doubling Farmers’ Income



India’s target of achieving a $5 trillion economy by 2024-25 needs to be supported by a transformed and reformed agriculture sector, which would significantly improve the income of farmers. It is, therefore, imperative that the agriculture sector should support the objective by focusing on transformative reforms, while targeting an annual agriculture GVA growth of 5 per cent. In this lecture I will discuss the critical challenges being faced by Indian farmers in the existing agriculture marketing system, doubling farmers’ income, need for agriculture marketing reforms for making farming financially sustainable, development of rural infrastructure and efficient agri-value chains, agriculture export reforms,  and I would conclude the lecture by underscoring the need for comprehensive reforms in the agriculture sector with a high priority accorded to agri-marketing reforms, for doubling farmers’ income and mitigating agrarian distress.


Critical Challenges for Indian Farmers

The criticality of agriculture for sustainable and inclusive growth of the Indian economy can be gauged from the fact that, the sector provides employment to about 41.5 per cent of the total workforce in India, but contributes only about 15.5 per cent (2021-22) to the country’s real Gross Value Added (GVA)[1] . About 86 per cent of operational holdings in the country are in the small and marginal categories, and the average size of an operational holding is only 1.08 hectare (ha). Due to fragmentation and disorganisation, farmers face constraints in procuring inputs like seeds and fertilizers at reasonable prices, lack bargaining power in the market for realising better value for their produce, and have inadequate access to technology, extension services, market, credit and crop insurance. As a result, majority of the small and marginal farm holders are unable to realise optimal value from their farming operations, resulting in agrarian distress.


The average monthly income of an agricultural household during July 2012 to June 2013 was as low as INR 6,426, as against its average monthly consumption expenditure of INR 6,223 (GoI, 2017). As many as 22.5 per cent of the farmers live below the official poverty line. According to the NABARD All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey (NAFIS) (NABARD, 2018), the average monthly income of agriculture households in India was INR 8,931 in 2016-17. Further, a wide variation was observed by NAFIS among states with respect to the average monthly income of agricultural households. States like Punjab (INR 23,133),  followed by Haryana (INR 18,496), Kerala (INR 16,927), Gujarat (INR 11,899) and Himachal Pradesh (INR 11,828) reported high income, which indicates that this sector has been making a sizeable contribution to the economy of the states. On the other hand, agricultural households from Jharkhand (INR 6,991), Andhra Pradesh (INR 6,920), Uttar Pradesh (INR 6,668), Bihar (INR 7,175), Tripura (INR 7,592), Odisha (INR 7,731) and West Bengal (INR 7,756) reported low average monthly income (NABARD, 2018).


According to the Report of the Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI Committee, Chairman: Dr. Ashok Dalwai) (GoI, 2017), technology fatigue is manifesting in the form of yield plateaus, and India’s yield averages for most crops at global level do not compare favourably. At the same time, the costs of cultivation are rising. Further, there has been an alarming rise in the  magnitude of food loss and food waste. Finally, the markets do not assure the farmer of remunerative returns on his produce (GoI, 2017).


A critical problem faced by India’s agriculture sector is the fragmented and distortions-ridden state of agricultural markets. One of the major reasons for low income of farmers is unremunerative prices for their produce due to lack of a competitive market structure, which is bereft of transparent price discovery system. With majority of farmers belonging to the small and marginal category, they lack the bargaining power to sell their produce at remunerative prices in the Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) markets.


More often than not, farmers are forced to sell their produce at unremunerative prices due to distress sales during the immediate post-harvest season, because of their lack of holding capacity, and the exploitation by traders (arhatiyas) in APMC markets. Also, in an open economy, sometimes the price shocks that emerge in global markets are imported into domestic markets.  Lack of aggregation of produce makes it uneconomical for farmers to transport their produce to the APMC markets for their sale.  APMC Acts require that farm produce to be sold only at regulated markets through registered intermediaries. Therefore, bereft of options for alternative and competitive marketing channels near the farm gate, small and marginal farm holders, on most occasions sell their produce at unremunerative prices.


Farmers lack knowledge about consumer demand across India, which is critical to develop efficiency in agriculture value chains. This is also influenced by various economic considerations, and on the technical and logistical capabilities to connect the produce, involving post-production activities of aggregation/assembly/pooling, sorting/ assaying/testing, transportation, food/agro-processing, storage, distribution and retail (GoI, 2017). There is also a lack of transparency in price discovery, which restricts returns to farmers. Marketing, as a support function, helps to direct the other activities, for greater optimisation of the costs involved and for improved value realisation (ibid.).


GoI announces Minimum Support Price (MSP) in respect of 23 commodities. However, wheat and rice are the major commodities which are procured by state agencies at MSP, from a few states.  Hence, 92.7 per cent of procurement of wheat  of 433.4 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) by state agencies and FCI, during Rabi Marketing Year 2021-22, was from Punjab (30.5 per cent), M.P. (29.6 per cent), Haryana (19.6 per cent) and U.P. (7.4 per cent). In case of rice, Punjab (22.6 per cent), Telangana (15.7 per cent) and Andhra Pradesh (9.4 per cent), together procured 47.7 per cent of the total procurement of 601.85 LMT during Kharif Marketing Season 2020-21[2]. However, the same is not true in respect of other states and other commodities like pulses and oilseeds, and farmers have been found to receive prices below MSP.  Table 1 shows that during October 2021-February 2022, the prices of arhar in the APMC markets of major producing states, viz. Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat, as also the all-India average (except January 2022) prices remained below MSP.  In M.P. which is the second largest producer of arhar, the prices ranged between 64.3 per cent of MSP in October 2021 and 93.5 per cent in December 2021.



Table 1

Wholesale Prices of Arhar as a Percentage of MSP












Madhya Pradesh


















All-India average






Source: Prepared by the author based on data accessed from


As explained by noted agricultural economist Dr. Ashok Gulati, asking for legal status for MSP is untenable as the Centre does not have the wherewithal to buy all the 23 commodities, and private players fearing legal action would shun buying. Mandating MSP would lead to disappearance of export markets, disruption in domestic supply chain, unmanageable surpluses and an unaffordable subsidy burden (Kumar, 2020). In the current scenario of complex demands in a surcharged atmosphere, a tectonic shift to a highly decentralised food and agriculture management, giving more legal authority, financial support and responsibilities to states may be an option worth considering (ibid.). Interestingly, the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) in its Kharif Policy 2018-19 had suggested a legislation conferring on farmers ‘the Right to Sell at MSP.’ The DFI Committee observes, that though MSP is an important intervention by the government, it is not sufficient by itself. The honouring of the MSP through its use in procurement is a more substantive condition in making MSP mechanism effective. Hence, there is need for a bouquet of procurement tools that can cater to different commodities in different ways (GoI, 2017).


Doubling Farmers’ Income

GoI has envisioned the achievement of doubling farmers’ income (DFI) by the year 2024-25. However, this is a humongous task, and more so in the context of the pandemic.  The following seven-point strategy for DFI is mostly under implementation: (i) irrigation with focus on water-use efficiency, viz. “per drop more crop” (PDMC) through Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY); (ii) quality seed and soil health, (iii) investments in warehouses and cold chains; (iv) value addition through food processing; (v) electronic National Agriculture Market (e-NAM); (vi) increase in the coverage and effective implementation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY); and (vii) promotion of ancillary activities like dairy, poultry, bee-keeping and fisheries.


The strategy for DFI, involving increase in private investment by 6.62 per cent per annum from the base year 2015-16 at the national level, also includes among others: (a) promoting higher agricultural growth in less developed regions, including rainfed areas, with a focus on marginal and small holders; (b) strengthening livestock related activities and crop diversification to high value produce like horticulture, in line with market signals; (c) shifting priority focus to post-production management and the agricultural marketing system; (d) sizeable increase in institutional credit to farmers; (e) allocation of more resources by state governments towards minor irrigation; and (f) incentivising private corporate sector to participate in investments in agriculture (GoI, 2017). In order to achieve DFI, GoI can use income policy to protect the poor, free up prices for farmers, and allow private trade to stock and operate freely and have unhindered exports (Gulati and Hussain, 2017). What is also needed is continuance of PM-KISAN, with a reasonably higher allocation, along with top-up by states, on the lines of YSR-Rythu Bharosa-PM-KISAN of Andhra Pradesh.


Agriculture Marketing Reforms: Making Farming Financially Sustainable

A series of reforms in quick succession was undertaken by GoI, beginning from 2002, in response to the changes in trading environment during 1990s. The reforms included the Removal of (Licensing Requirements, Stock Limits and Movement Restrictions) on Specified Foodstuffs Order, 2002 and 2003, under which paddy/rice, coarse grains, sugar, edible oilseeds and edible oils, pulses, gur, wheat products and hydrogenated vegetable oil or vanaspati were removed from the list of Essential Commodities Act (1955).  Further, the prohibition on futures trading in agricultural commodities was removed in 2003. While these were important reforms, they did not include agriculture marketing reforms, as agriculture marketing is a state subject, and, hence, it required reform by respective states. Nevertheless, GoI undertook several initiatives to facilitate agriculture marketing reforms in states. The Expert Committee set up in by Ministry of Agriculture, GoI, in its report submitted on 29 June 2001, suggested various legislative reforms as well as the reorientation of the policies and programmes for the development and strengthening of agricultural marketing in India. The committee noted that there were stringent controls on the storage and movement of several agricultural commodities, which were acting as a disincentive to farmers, trade and industries. The State Agricultural Produce Marketing Regulations Act and the Essential Commodities Act had to be amended to remove restrictive provisions, preventing the emergence of an efficient and competitive marketing system. Further, it was felt that a negotiable warehousing receipt system could be  introduced through appropriate legal change, for agricultural commodities to enhance institutional lending to the agricultural marketing sector, and to improve price-risk management


In view of the foregoing, the Ministry of Agriculture set up a committee under the chairmanship of K M Sahni, which drafted and finalised the model legislation after holding discussions with the officials of state governments. The model Act, viz. the State Agricultural Produce Marketing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2003, was shared with all state governments for implementation. Some of the major provisions of the Model Act are: (i) more than one market can be established by private persons, farmers, cooperatives and consumers in a market area; (ii) there will be no compulsion on the growers to sell their produce through existing markets administered by the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC); (iii) a new chapter on contract farming was added to facilitate and promote smooth progress in contract farming; (iv) provision made for the direct sale of farm produce to contract farming sponsor from farmers’ field without the necessity of routing it through notified markets; (v) provision made for imposition of single point levy of market fee on the sale of notified agricultural commodities in any market area and discretion provided to the state governments to fix graded levy of market fee on different types of sales; (vi) registration for market functionaries provided to operate in one or more than one market areas; and (vii) provision made for the purchase of agricultural produce through private yards or directly from agriculturists in one or more than one market area (Chand, 2016).


A path-breaking agriculture marketing reform initiative by GoI is the electronic National Agriculture Market (e-NAM), which envisages setting up of a common e-market platform that was initially be deployed in 585 regulated wholesale markets in states/union territories desirous of joining the e-platform. The e-NAM is expected to lead to significant benefits to farmers through higher returns, while benefitting buyers through lower transaction costs, and consumers through stable prices. It is also expected to facilitate the emergence of integrated value chains in major agricultural commodities across the country, and encourage the setting up of scientific storage and movement of agri-commodities. Smallholder farmers can benefit if they were to find ways for aggregating produce on their own, bypassing the arhatiya and even the local mandi in the process. This is where farmer producer organisations (FPOs)/ farmer producer companies (FPCs) can play a key role, by facilitating aggregation and creation of volumes that is intrinsic to the success of e-NAM. The government needs to incentivise and regulate the development of FPOs, and not seek to form or control them directly (Gulati et al, 2020). However, it has been observed that creating a seamless, unified national market for agriculture produce, as e-NAM is supposed to do, even a state-wide market, has been difficult, due to resistance from existing market players. The success of e-NAM would depend on GoI’s efforts to influence state governments to dismantle the existing structure and operations of APMC mandis by amending the APMC Acts and implement e-NAM as seamless national hi-tech markets competing with each other, and ultimately benefitting the farmers.


Better price realisation for farmers will serve as an important incentive for raising productivity and production, and in turn lead to higher growth of output. In many states, farm harvest prices prevail below the minimum support price (MSP) in the harvest period and shoot up subsequently. e-NAM will help check such market imperfections. Some states like Punjab and Haryana desperately need diversification in crop pattern away from paddy–wheat rotation. However, this has not been happening due to unattractive market for alternative crops. e-NAM is expected to promote market-driven diversification and reduce dependence of farmers in these states on MSP and public procurement. The success of e-NAM in improving competitiveness and integrating pan-India markets will require assaying facilities created in various markets to ascertain quality traits as quality variations are quite large in agricultural commodities. Also, each mandi will require forwarding agents to handle the produce for buyers from outside the mandi (Chand, 2016).


According to Dr. Ramesh Chand (2016), the price dispersion at farm-gates and between them and wholesale markets is large for most crops. He has further emphasized that there is a need for a  mind-set shift that looks at market-linked realisation, instead of administered returns to farms to take agriculture into enterprise mode, and goes on to assert that the marketing system has to develop options that address the price dispersion between wholesale markets and farm-gate. This will lead to market led price realisations and not gratuitous cost-plus price mechanism only. Farmers’ well-being is directly linked to their ability to carry out exchange at markets of choice (Chand, 2016).


Though e-NAM will improve competitiveness in markets through larger participation of buyers and more transparent system of bidding, it should not be considered a panacea for all deficiencies in agricultural markets. e-NAM necessitates some reforms proposed in model APMC Act whereas it will not address some vital issues having bearing on conduct and performance of market (Chand, 2016).


There are four important areas for agri-marketing reforms, which are not part of e-NAM, viz: (i) direct sale by farmers to buyers, processors, or, contract marketing without bringing produce to mandi; (ii) establishment of private markets with treatment at par with APMC. Even under e-NAM, market committee will continue to hold its monopoly power in terms of offering a platform for sale/ purchase; (iii) removal of legal barriers to entry of organised and modern capital and investments into agricultural marketing.; and (iv) rationalisation of market fee, commission charges, cess and taxes and development charges (Chand, 2016).


It is imperative to work out strategies to capture the totality of marketable surpluses generated by the farmers. This calls for the creation of an enabling market environment with in-built mechanism to absorb as high a percentage as possible or the minimum 60 per cent of the surpluses, through an efficient market environment (GoI, 2017). Further, there is a need for information at regular intervals to optimise the agri-business value chain system. The information would not only help to make market linked decisions during crop planning, input sourcing and harvest time-lines, but also provide due cause for the right sized and rightly located infrastructure, such that capacity creation is with market flow and throughputs in mind (GoI, 2017).


GoI’s vision of DFI signified a paradigm shift in agriculture policy from ensuring food security to income security of farmers, by maximising their gains through post-production activities. The enactment of Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 (FPTC Act, 2020), Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 (FAPAFS Act, 2020) and Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 (ECA, 2020), was an attempt by GoI, to usher in a comprehensive  agri-marketing reforms. However, the Acts have been repealed, in response to the year-long agitation by a section of farmers against the Acts. It is, therefore, imperative for the central and state governments, along with agriculture scientists, economists, farmers, agri-tech companies, corporate sector, and all stakeholders to start a consultative process to facilitate state governments to enact agriculture marketing reform Acts, and for GoI to enact a law facilitating easy inter-state movement of agri-commodities/ produce. Further, in order to develop an efficient nation-wide  agri-marketing system, e-NAMs need to be scaled up and made more efficient, and all private markets and accredited warehouses should be linked to e-NAMs.


The prices of agricultural commodities are generally at their lowest during the harvest season as the supply far exceeds the immediate, short-term demand, and increase significantly during the lean season when the demand exceeds the supply. This adversely affects the farmers who realise lower prices of their produce in the harvest season. Futures markets provide a market mechanism to balance this imbalance of the supply–demand pattern of agricultural commodities. Trading in futures not only provides price signals to the market of today, but also of months ahead, and affords guidance to sellers (farmers/ growers/ processors) and buyers (consumers) of agricultural commodities in planning ahead and, in financing and marketing commodities from one season to the another. While commodity exchanges in India were allowed only futures trading in commodities, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has, subsequently, laid out rules for the introduction of commodity options. The launch of options will boost overall market participation and also complement the existing futures and make the commodities market more robust and efficient. The combination of futures and options can give market participants the benefit of price discovery of futures and simpler risk management of options. However, SEBI has banned futures and options trading in major agriculture commodities, viz. chana, mustard seed, soya bean and its derivatives, crude palm oil, moong, paddy (Basmati) and wheat on 21 December 2021, for a period of one year, as part of GoI’s efforts to curb inflation. While the impact of a ban on futures and options on curbing inflation is debatable, it prevents market participants, most importantly the farmers in the spot market, of a crucial source of price information. Spot markets (viz. the mandis) for agricultural commodities are fragmented across geographical locations, and futures prices provide a critical reference point for pricing in these spot markets[3].


Development of Rural Infrastructure and Efficient Agri-Value Chains

Investment in rural infrastructure is a pre-condition to enable the acceleration of agricultural growth, creation of new economic opportunities, and generation of employment. The Union Budget 2021-22 had made available the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) to APMCs for augmenting their infrastructure facilities. Also, 1,000 more APMC  mandis were to be integrated with e-NAM. There are about 1.7 crore farmers registered in the existing 1,000 e-NAMs, which have displayed transparency and competitiveness into the agricultural market. The AIF, with a corpus of INR 1 lakh crore was created by GoI under  Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, for the development of farm-gates and aggregation points, and post-harvest management infrastructure. The scheme involves credit support by banks and financial institutions to primary agricultural credit societies (PACS), marketing cooperative societies, farmer producer organisations (FPOs),  self-help groups (SHGs), farmers, joint liability groups (JLG), multipurpose cooperative societies, agri-entrepreneurs, startups and central/state agency or local body sponsored public-private partnership projects. Interest subvention and credit guarantee for loans up to INR 2 crore is also available to eligible borrowers.


Further, setting up of mega food parks, integrated cold chains, food processing units, agro-processing clusters, and implementation of Operations Greens Scheme, under GoI’s comprehensive package of PM Kisan SAMPADA Yojana (PMKSY) , will not only provide a big boost to the growth of food processing sector in the country but also ensure higher income to farmers, while creating huge employment opportunities especially in the rural areas, reducing wastage of agricultural produce, and enhancing the export of processed foods. The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for the food processing sector is a step in the right direction.


India is the largest producer of milk in the world, having increased from 146.3 million tonnes in 2014-15 to 198.4 million tonnes in 2019-20 (GoI, 2021). Dairying is an important secondary source of income for millions of rural households engaged in agriculture. The success of the dairy industry has resulted from the integrated co-operative system of milk collection, transportation, processing and distribution, conversion of the same to milk powder and products, to minimize seasonal impact on suppliers and buyers, retail distribution of milk and milk products, sharing of profits with the farmer, which are ploughed back to enhance productivity and needs to be emulated by other farm produce/producers. A focus on dairy value chain could significantly improve the income of smallholder farmers. Therefore, in order to double income of farmers, it is important to focus on dairy value chain through FPOs/ FPCs and cooperatives.   India is also the second largest producer of fish, fruits and vegetables in the world. Promotion of value chains for horticulture, poultry and fisheries, involving FPOs/ FPCs, could significantly give a fillip to the income of small and marginal farmers.  


Agriculture Export Reforms

India ranks among the top ten exporters of agricultural products in the world.  According to WTO’s World Trade Statistical Review 2021, the country’s share in global agricultural exports increased from 1.1 percent in the year 2000 to 2.2 percent in 2020, valued at $39 billion, In order to catch-up with Brazil ($89 billion) and China ($82 billion), India needs to bring about structural reforms in the agriculture sector, including a stable trade policy regime (Roy, 2021).


The Agriculture Export Policy (AEP), 2018 of GoI, aims at achieving an export target of $60 billion by 2022 and $100 billion within a few years, thereafter. This is indeed a humongous task, and achieving the target would involve a paradigm shift from a “business-as-usual” approach to a well-calibrated, comprehensive, strategic  and result-oriented agri-export policy and action plan.


The agri-export strategy should include integration of value-added agri-produce with global value chains (GVC), by adopting the best agricultural practices involving productivity gains and cost competitiveness. Also, in order to boost exports of dairy products and make the dairy sector globally competitive, GoI needs to consider the development of Dairy Export Zones (DEZs) in collaboration with state governments (Roy, 2021). The AEP has recommended the establishment of Agriculture Export Zones (AEZs), to facilitate value addition of agri-commodities for increasing exports in a WTO compatible manner. In order to ensure higher income to farmers, FPOs need to be linked to AEZs to supply SPS-compliant agri-products. 



The full benefit from linking agricultural markets in India and putting them on electronic platform will be available to farmers when a single trading license is valid across the country and when a farmer gets the option to sell her/his produce in any market throughout the country.


The unfinished agenda for agri-reforms would include pursuing tenancy reforms, significantly raising R&D spending on modernisation of agriculture through artificial intelligence and blockchain technology for increasing crop productivity and resource-use efficiency, strengthening of agri-tech start-up ecosystem, and skilling of farmers who could be taken out of farming to be gainfully employed along efficient agri-value chains. Further, inclusion of agri-marketing in the Concurrent List of the Constitution of India, needs to be thoroughly debated nationally by all stakeholders and prioritised by the government. Effective implementation of comprehensive agricultural reforms, with a high priority accorded to agri-marketing reforms, could lead to sustainability of Indian agriculture, and facilitate the achievement of doubling farmers’ income by 2024-25, while mitigating agrarian distress.


Chand, Ramesh. (2016). “e-Platform for National Agricultural Market”, Economic & Political Weekly, July 9, 2016 vol lI no 28


Government of India, (2017). Report of the Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income, Volume IV, Ministry of Agriculture and farmers’ Welfare, New Delhi.

 Government of India, (2021). Economic Survey 2020-21, Vol.2, Ministry of Finance.

 Gulati, Ashok and Siraj Hussain, (2017. “Chasing a Dream: Doubling Farmers’ Income by2022", Financial Express, August 28, 2017, Mumbai.

 Gulati, Ashok, Devesh Kapur and Marshall M Bouton, (2020). Reforming Indian Agriculture. Economic and Political Weekly, March 14, 2020 Vol. LV No. 11.

 NABARD, (2018). NABARD All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey 2016-17.  

 Nanda Kumar. T.,  (2020). “Mandatory Minimum Support Price (MSP): Watering a dangerous idea”. Financial Express, December 8, 2020.

 Roy, Debesh, (2021). “Doubling Farmers’ Income: Increasing Agricultural Exports is Key.” Financial Express, January 12, 2021.


(This paper was published in Arthabeekshan  - Journal of Bengal Economic Association - Vol. 31, Nos. 1&2, June & Septemnber 2022)

[1] Second Advance Estimates of National Income 2021-22, National Statistical Office,  Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India

[2] Source: Food Corporation of India

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